Putting business service into cloud systems is increasingly common for organisations of all sizes, with a recent computing survey of 130 IT decision makers showing the majority of companies surveyed were using the cloud for some of their infrastructure and services.
It’s no surprise the results showed strong cloud adoption, hosted services have been growing for years now, the interest comes from seeing what services are moving online and what business issues are at the heart of the changes.
What services are being hosted online?
There are no prizes for guessing the most common cloud services are:
- E-Commerce and web hosting (39%)
- Email hosting (35%)
And the next wave of cloud adoption looks likely to come from:
- Cloud storage
- Disaster recovery
- Business applications
- Backups
With 1 in 5 businesses considering at least one of these areas for hosting.
Most IT decision makers have put red flags around ERP and desktops, with over 90% claiming they will never move these services online (time will tell on that one).
What does hybrid cloud mean?
It’s one thing for a survey to ask what people’s plans are for ‘hybrid cloud’. It’s another to define what the decision makers think hybrid cloud means.
Even the most common definition ‘A combination of public cloud and on-premises private cloud service that are interconnected’ was only given by 44% of respondents. The other definitions all include an understanding of mixing public and private infrastructure, though 10% didn’t offer any definition of the term at all.
Location, location, location
The geographic centre for infrastructure is essential knowledge for most organisations. 80% of participants said having the public servers in the same country was important, a figure rising to 89% for failover and disaster recovery, and rising further to 90% for hosted servers.
The full survey results are on Computing’s website. If you’re wondering how your cloud adoption plans fit in with business trends take a look at the full results. Simply Mail Solutions offer a managed dedicated server service with data hosted in our UK data centre.