Tree Planting Project
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Let’s plant the future together.
What is the tree planting project?
Let’s all embark on a journey together! We are proud to announce that SMS has embarked upon an epic mission- tree planting in Nepal, working with Eden’s Nepal reforestation project. Each new customer joining us will get the chance of being part of this environmental initiative and making their mark in history by having trees planted in their honour. Together we can make an impact offsetting C02 emissions and help keep our planet healthy for generations to come!
What is the Eden Reforestation Project?
The Eden Project has been leading the way in Nepal since 2015, with a focused mission to restore and protect areas of critical importance. Through creating strategic partnerships with Chitwan National Park – a World Heritage Site – they are proactively doing their part in protecting precious animal habitats by reforesting and buffering vulnerable land. With dedicated effort from all parties involved, this project can help empower local livelihoods for years to come!

Why reforest in Nepal?
In Nepal, the rapidly diminishing natural environment is a sobering reality. With over 70% of their original forests gone and reduced resources for local communities, this growing crisis has already left devastating impacts on both people and wildlife alike. If nothing changes soon, these effects could be catastrophic to everyone living in Nepal – driven by human consumption beyond capacity levels that nature can support.
How can you help further?
Looking for more ways to further help in this environmental mission? Discover more about the current reforestation project in Nepal and how you can help at: