We are bombarded with spam every day. We all want to ensure that our inboxes are free from it, but how can you tell which emails are legitimate and which ones are trying to steal your data? Spam filters help block the email messages that shouldn’t be reaching your inbox.
Today we’ll examine spam filters and what they can do for you.
A spam filter is a software program which searches incoming emails and filters out spam messages from legitimate commercial emails. In order to avoid spamming the user’s email address, most spam filters use a spam blocking list.
The spam blocker works like this: the spam filter acquires a spam blocking list and stores it on your computer or mobile device. Then, every time that you download the incoming mail, the spam filter checks each email address to see if it’s found in the spam blocker’s database. If such an address is detected, the spam filter will automatically delete the spam email without displaying it to you.
The spam blocker may also perform a spam check at times in order to keep the blocking list up-to-date, but this isn’t required by spam filters.
Spam identification tactics include detecting repeating spam phrases, spam words, spam patterns and spam senders.
Spam filters are responsible for keeping spam away from your inbox, but they can also help keep you safe from malware threats and phishing attempts.
These filters are able to detect spam messages that are trying to trick you into believing they’ve been sent by banks, credit card companies, social networking sites, etc. By detecting these potentially harmful messages, spam filters can alert users of possible phishing attempts.
If you’d like to know more about the spam filtering solution we offer at SMS, or you’d like to purchase this solution, visit our page https://smsbusinesscloud.com/products/security-compliance/spam-filtering/ or contact Sales on 01925 818448.